The BSA & Bookshare Bring Scouting to People with Qualified Print Disabilities
While the BSA has fulfilled requests for different publications in braille or large print for years, the national office recently entered an agreement with the company Bookshare to provide the merit badge series as well as other manuals to youth, parents, and leaders with qualified print disabilities. Through the Bookshare in Scouting program, up-to-date Scouting material can be read on laptops or desktop computers; Apple iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touches; MP3 players; and other devices.
Beginning this month, more than 35 different publications are available through Bookshare’s online library, and additional publications will be added in three phases over the next six to nine months. Membership is free for U.S. students of any age with qualified print disabilities, and the $25 setup fee is waived for nonstudents when you use the promo code SCOUTS. To learn more about Bookshare, click here.